A virtual exploration of public libraries now and in the future.
This virtual space is a response to the disruption - caused by Covid-19 - of Seadog Theatre’s plans to create an interactive physical art installation that would tour public libraries in Spring 2020.
Instead, the theatre makers and live artists involved worked with web developer, Matt Stevens, and emerging computer game platform Sinespace, to create a virtual take on a physical exhibition.
The aim was to animate the Living Libraries project’s research, bringing it alive for the public. Over three months, the team have contended with a completely new format and way of working as they negotiated how to work during lockdown and how to translate physical ideas into a virtual reality. They are delighted to share their work and invite you to explore and feed back on your experience before 31 July 2020...

Add your story to the virtual Living Library.
Leave us a comment and we will upload your story to one of the figures that appears in the final space.
Tell us why libraries are important to you. It could be:
what the library means to you right now
how a library has mattered to you in the past, or
your hopes for libraries in the future.